Growing Veg


Growing your own information specifically for Shetland growers

In response to the questions we get asked most frequently about growing fruit and veg in Shetland, we have uploaded a few of our information sheets. We often give these out as part of our training courses, they are specifically designed for people who have little or no experience of growing in Shetland.

Not all of your questions will be answered, so you can always get in touch with us directly if you’d like to know more

1. What can I grow in the space I have? Click here

2. What is quick and easy to grow? What grows in pots/on a windowsill? click here

3. What can you grow outside in Shetland, what needs inside protection? click here

4. What varieties are best and when should you sow or plant? click here

5. How do you make the soil good and feed your crops? click here

6. What can I grow to eat home grown produce all year round? click here

7. What crops can be grown through the winter in the polytunnel/crub? These crops also fit the school year click here

8. How can I tell whether insects are pests or helpful in the garden? A guide to the goodies and baddies click here

You can find our Beginners’ Guide videos on our YouTube channel  New videos are added each season. Current uploads include:

  • Filling a new raised bed
  • Preparing a seed bed
  • Sowing seeds into your growing bed
  • Sowing seeds in modules or pots
  • Potting on
  • Transplanting
  • Pollinating courgettes pumpkins and squash
  • Pollinating aubergines, tomatoes and chillies
  • Pollinating sweetcorn
  • Polinating fruit trees

Charles Dowding has lots of useful information on the ‘no dig’ method if you are interested in that. Again, we can help with ideas for Shetland alternatives to municipal green waste compost.

Sometimes growing information can be conflicting and confusing. Often sowing and planting times don’t work in the Shetland climate. Don’t worry you can always get in touch and ask!

All documents are © Transition Turriefield. We’re happy for you to print them off for your own use, but we’d appreciate you getting in touch first if you want to use them for any other purpose.

To link up with a Grower Mentor click here

For more information on finding land to grow food click here.