
Grow Shetland is a 3 year project (2021-2024) supporting the Shetland community to grow more of its own fruit and vegetables, increase access to affordable food and encourage healthy eating. It’s funded by Shetland Islands Council’s Crown Estate Fund, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Shetland Charitable Trust.

The project can work with you as an individual, with your group,  community or school to create a new growing space; support you to  take up food growing, fresh food sharing, cooking and eating. Grow Shetland services are available all across Shetland, including remote rural communities.

Whether you grow already or are wondering how to start; have a plot, or need one; have a growing group or think you’d like to set one up, we can:

  • Help you think through your ideas
  • Support you to start growing
  • Support you to improve your growing
  • Help you gain knowledge, skills and confidence to be productive in your growing
  • Provide Shetland specific growing advice
  • Signpost to services to help you find and access land for growing
  • Help you think through opportunities for food sharing
  • Provide information on composting and reducing food waste
  • Provide volunteering opportunities with a food growing focus

If you’d like support with your growing please get in touch, click here to go to our contact form, or you can email us directly at info@turriefieldveg.co.uk